About alkaline water

Living and dead water exists not only in myths and legends, but also in reality. It is received with the help of special devices - hydroactivators, which by the method of electrolysis split the water structure into ions with positive and negative charges.Under the action of direct current, acidic dead water (anolyte) is concentrated near the anode, and alkaline living water (catalite) is concentrated at the cathode.


Water of this type, created on a positive electrode, is an alkaline is fluid with strong biostimulating qualities. Its structure is dominated by electrons and alkaline anions. The pH level, as a rule, exceeds 7.0 units. A feature of living water is the ability to "revitalize" the body: activate its natural processes, give energy and normalize metabolism. It is ideal both for improving well-being and for enhancing the action of various medicament(medicines, vitamins). 

There are many technologies for producing structured water: magnetization, freezing followed by thawing, the process of electrolytic separation of water into anolyte ("dead" water) and catholyte ("living" water), after which water is formed with new qualities for it, which appear not due to chemical influences, but due to changes in wave characteristics.


But water get special properties in an electric field. The phenomenon of electrochemical activation of water (EHAW) was discovered in 1975. EHAW is a combination of electrochemical and electro physical effects on water in a double electric layer (DEL) of an electrode (either anode or cathode) of an electrochemical system with nonequilibrium charge transfer through DEL by electrons and under conditions of intensive dispersion of the resulting gaseous products of electrochemical reactions in a liquid. As a result of electrochemical activation, water passes into a metastable state, which is characterized by anomaly values of electron activity and other physicochemical parameters.

Worldwide Research on the Benefits of Alkaline Water